Moment of surprise: know those new apps?
3-in-1: 3 digital news in 1 minute. On Monday. Episode 200
1.374 subscribers on Messenger follow these Monday news. Now on Medium. Discover 3 original digital news, invest one minute and be a better professional!
News 1: Plato app, a mix of messenger and games
Plato is an app mixing messaging and gaming. Casual games and chat-rooms — a simple dual choice. Coming from “nowhere”, the app climbed in countries like France, Argentina or Mexico to the Top 5 download rankings. Also strong in home country, the US. Opinion: Plato Team inc behind is a small start-up financed at $3 million but gaining more than 2 million users in a week.The interface of the app is basic but very lively and no need to give phone number or e-mail to start (a key success factor like Jitsi video — reported here). B2B Takeout: Business model is advertising, pay to skip ads, pay to have higher game levels.
News 2: Underestimated and renamed Hangout Meet
Google Hangout Meet is the “skype” (or rather “zoom”) in G-mail and the equivalent professional G-suite. Now called Meet. The app downloads have surged in many countries — esp. the US (in top 10). A very strong and homogenous user group behind the surge. Opinion: So… it is called Google Meet instead of Google Hangout Meet. Hangout has never really established itself, and Meet sounds more professional than hanging out! Video chat is getting serious. B2B Takeout: Meet provides with a very good quality of video chat, easy UI and the advantage #1 — it is the default conference link in Google Calendar.
News 3: Shop and touch nothing — Sainsbury’s SmartShop
Scan and go while shopping and touching no cards or terminals — a new habit in times of covid-19. Traditional British retailer Sainsbury’s has a successful app for that “SmartShop”. Was in top 5 of app ranking (shopping). Opinion: Another new habit that raises in times of social distancing, WFH, lockdown and no-touch. Certainly this one will remain. Scan and go! Very nice app motto “Scan & bag as you go” B2B Takeout: Another new habit that raises in time of social distancing, WFH, lockdown and no-touch. Certainly this one will remain. Scan and go!
Authors are the 10 trend scouters at Space and Lemon, always on the hunt for the newest trends in tech and digital. Gathered here in original weekly news since 2016 — no re-write of TechCrunch, always with an opinion and B2B takeout. Come back next Monday and share your opinion.