Amazing, growing ecosystem of automation around LinkedIn!

Space and Lemon Innovations
3 min readAug 31, 2020

3-in-1: 3 digital news in 1 minute. On Monday. Episode 218

1.374 subscribers on Messenger follow these Monday news. Now on Medium. Discover 3 original digital news, invest one minute and be a better professional!

News 1: Phantombuster. #nocode for campaigns on LinkedIn

Phantombuster is a tool to automate follow, likes, campaigns on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. It extracts leads from LinkedIn and builds “chains” like automatic message campaigns. A start-up that grew in iconic Parisian co-working and accelerator NUMA. Very specialised in one LinkedIn usecase: build outreach campaigns, with multiple massages. Opinion for B2B: Great naming: each function is called a “phantom”, because it is one. The tool scraps data in the web and transforms it in automated tasks. A code-free tool, one can use it with just logics and no coding skill required. Phantombuster, still in an early start-up phase with €750k financing (mainly from NUMA).

No coding skills required… another of the many #nocode tools.

News 2: Automatic comments and likes with Lempod

Lemlist is a Paris based start-up that builds virtual communities that will automatically like and comment a post. One enters a community ($10 per so-called pods) and posts gets automated reactions. Then “playing” with the Facebook, LinkedIn algorithm that will understand “something is happening with this post right now”. The troll, named pod — the Lemlist’s one Lempod. Opinion for B2B: Such automation is at the limit of legality within Facebook or LinkedIn. Always a danger of a ban, or a shot “shadow ban”. Still it effectively boosts posts. One can even pre-write comments. And nice side effects — meet interesting people that have joined a pod community. Real people join a pod, that works automatically.

An algorithm and another one on top to play with it!

News 3: Better than LinkedIn analytics, Shield. is a very specialised analytics solution for LinkedIn. Just better than the standard analytics from LinkedIn. It offers more functions (time frames, multi-users), more details (per posts) and a dashboard for the overview. Can also customise dashboard and the analytics. Based in Copenhagen, Shieldapp is a typical on-top analytics tool with a B2B subscription model. Opinion for B2B: Reading the Shield analytics of posts confirms: everything happens in the first hours. Likes, comments, shares, views, video completion reckon in the first hours — rules for audience growth on TikTok, IG and LinkedIn. And the maximum spread of a post is short: 2 days.

If you post: have your followers engage fast!

Authors are the 10 trend scouters at Space and Lemon, always on the hunt for the newest trends in tech and digital. Gathered here in original weekly news since 2016 — no re-write of TechCrunch, always with an opinion and B2B takeout. Come back next Monday and share your opinion.



Space and Lemon Innovations

Space and Lemon Innovations. Trendscouting and AI specialist. Non-obvious ✱ Exclusive trend radars ✱ Special research and use cases ✱ DIY workshops with a tech.