Act beyond the Tellerand — 3 techies sharpen new business fields
3-in-1: 3 digital news in 1 minute. On Monday. Episode 188
1.374 subscribers on Messenger follow these Monday news. Now on Medium. Discover 3 original digital news, invest one minute and be a better professional!
News 1: Rival for Paypal? Lydia secures €40m funding!
Tencent led new funding round for French payment app Lydia. Focusing on peer-to-peer payment at the beginning, they now offer much more financial services. Impressive result so far: today, 25% of under-30-years-old French have an account. Opinion: Lydia gets 5.000 people signing up every single day. Their offer rivals with Paypal already, their latest plan to become a one-stop shop for financial life most certainly competes with the banking and insurance industry. B2B Takeout: Tencent is a success story, not only because of WeChat. So much expertise in digital business. No doubt they will save Lydia a lot of headaches for their scaling up progress.
News 2: Chinese give business lessons to Americans!
Chinese tech giant Alibaba now offers education for B2B businesses in the U.S. In the ‘B2B Tuesday’ event series they aim at sharing their understanding of global e-commerce and offer expert support for B2B sellers. Opinion: There is a reason for Alibaba’s amazing global success and we better listen to what they have to say about retail, e-commerce and digitisation. A lot to expect from them when it comes to shaping global (digital) business. B2B Takeout: Sharing is caring! By offering education for its customers — here B2B sellers — they help them to get better. It is an easy equation: more turnover for sellers = more profit for Alibaba.
News 3: Food meets blockchain
IBM Food Trust is a blockchain-based solution for the food supply chain. It offers better quality by ingredients tracking and fraud prevention. Two weeks ago they announced partnerships with a handful of coffee producers, this week large olive oil producer Cho joined Food Trust. Opinion: Using blockchain offers a simple yet secure possibility for food producers to answer consumer demands for transparency and to increase quality in production — “Blue ocean” for IBM. B2B Takeout: Blockchain is coming! Thinking of food, there is a market for premium quality. And consumers who are willing to pay a premium for transparency.
Authors are the 10 trend scouters at Space and Lemon, always on the hunt for the newest trends in tech and digital. Gathered here in original weekly news since 2016 — no re-write of TechCrunch, always with an opinion and B2B takeout. Come back next Monday and share your opinion.