A sub-marine cable by Google. And other big tech.
3-in-1: 3 digital news in 1 minute. On Monday. Episode 196
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News 1: Google sub-marine cable. Landing now on French coast.
Dunant is the name of the brand new fiber glass transatlantic cable — commissioned and financed by Google. In the news because Gunant cable just landed on the French Atlantic coast. The cable wil join the Google cloud regions of North Virginia and Belgium. The cable sets a record of 250 Terabits of data per second with new tech of space-division multiplexing (SDM). Opinion: Google cabling the ocean is rather unknown. A second cable runs to Chile (named Curie) and operates already. It brings the immense capacity of US server farm in the light. 80% of the cloud traffic in EU runs back to the US. Dunant is operated by Orange through France, but what a power for Google. Facebook has similar invests. B2B Takeout: Often a question or a regulation, cloud operated in Europe only. Yes it is available, but most farms and cloud transactions run in the US.
News 2: Shop Safe Act, bad news for Amazon:
US congress works on a bill, the Shop Safe Act that makes marketplace responsible for what they sell — for counterfeit, for unsafe products. This is a major bill that could change the rules of the game for Amazon or eBay. Half of items (SKUs) sold on Amazon are from the marketplace. Knowingly with counterfeits although Amazon invests in regulation of it (400m USD, source Amazon). Opinion: Yes, a game changer! The tech giants have always taken the stand point of no-responsibity for what they sell or what is said. This is changing by auto-regulations (Facebook), bills (GDPR and Google). B2B Takeout: Counterfeit has been an issue, especially for the luxury and fashion industry. We reported here about how AliBaba tackles it better than Amazon. A paradoxe.
News 3: Bill Gates nostalgia:
Bill Gates is stepping out of the Microsoft board; that was announced a few days ago. A nostalgia around the founder quitting one of the largest, most powerful and rich company in the world. Opinion: A humble man (writer: “I met him once”) making Microsoft a humble company — not shining in the news like the founder. B2B Takeout: Working in a “windows” on your PC… Bill Gates biggest breakthrough was the concept of a “windows” on a screen making software accessible. Windows products are replaced by Office — making more revenue since mid 2019
Authors are the 10 trend scouters at Space and Lemon, always on the hunt for the newest trends in tech and digital. Gathered here in original weekly news since 2016 — no re-write of TechCrunch, always with an opinion and B2B takeout. Come back next Monday and share your opinion.